Sunday, September 20, 2009

Her Big Day....

So this post doesn't have pictures. Just a reflection of what is going on in our lives right now. Alex and I are blessed to have the most beautiful baby, good jobs, loving families and a beautiful house -- all things that we have dreamed of. However, in the process of working towards all these things, sometimes life just gets away from you. With my travel schedule and Alex in school at night (for his CPA) it leaves little time for us, Aida and each other -- so in this crazy life of ours we have been doing our best to keep up.

Tomorrow Aida starts school. She is starting in a beautiful Montessori school right by our house. It will be an adjustment for Aida and for Mommy. Our plan as it stands now is that Alex is going to drop Aida off at school tomorrow and I am going to follow but I don't want her to see me. So the school has video cameras in every room so I plan to hang out in the lobby and watch her in her new classroom. Really, I just don't think I will do very well if she is crying so Alex is going to be the stronger one tomorrow and I really, really appreciate that.

I know she is going to love school once we get past all the transitioning and I know that one day I am going to look back at this post and wonder why I was so worried about her day tomorrow -- because I know she is going to do great.

Tonight, I end the day both relieved and with a heavy heart. Relieved that we are giving her a great education in a great school but with a slightly heavy heart because tomorrow she will be taking a big giant leap into being a big girl. No matter how much I try to enjoy every second of the past two years, time just keeps going by way to fast. When I think about how much I have missed it becomes almost too much to bear, so I will focus on all the I have been present for. All the moments that have been incredible. Tomorrow I will be there on the day she starts school....experiencing all of the excitement and all of her tears tomorrow and I am so relieved.

All of my thoughts and prayers are with Aida for her first day of school tomorrow.

Pictures to come tomorrow...

We love you Aida!!!

Love Mommy & Daddy

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