Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Christopher Goes to School!

Well not yet -- but we did tour a school here in Allen that we really liked. Christopher was so excited and crazy as usual. I snapped some pictures of him on our way to the school tour. When Alex told me that the school wanted us to bring Christopher to "meet the team" I was pretty nervous. We just had to make it through 30 minutes without throwing ourselves on the floor, throwing our toys on the floor -- you know the normal 2 year old antics -- no sweat right?

About an hour before we left Christopher threw the biggest fit of his life yet....he thought he was going to school with Aida and when she left before him--things didn't go well.

So I packed Christopher up and put him in the car while we waited until it was time to leave...these pictures pretty much summed up his morning.

He ended up doing great on the tour -- he was bright, shiny perfection. He loved the school and the school loved him. Christopher starts a new chapter in September. So excited for him!

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